March 19, 2009

So last night we decided to add the word "still" to the sign...

And it worked!

Within an hour they came over to get their dvd! They said they had noticed it "like a week ago" but just wanted to keep it up because it was so funny. So they came up and watched the dvd and were pretty embarrassed and it was all pretty awkward and then they left. I'm probably missing some details but Sarah will fill you guys in.

But about an hour after that our downstairs neighbor came up and said, "I think you guys have my movie." The sign started to reach other neighbors. We reassured her that it was not in fact a found movie that we made a lost poster for but one we had made but were too lazy to walk it over to our neighbors. Let me tell you, it was pretty hillarious. We took the sign down within minutes.

Ok guys, keep making good decisions,

PS I'm done with finals! I can turn my brain off for a week!

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