March 28, 2009

Construction is a beast

It is amazing how road construction always takes place where I live. Before I moved out on my own, the big street that I took to get to school and work had major construction for over a year. The day Molly and I moved to San Diego, I believe there was still some construction taking place. The next day, when I was "officially" moved out, I trekked back to Orange County to pick up a few odds and ends that I had left behind and the aforementioned street was CAT-free with a sign that said "Project Completed." Well, I don't know about the sign, but they were definitely finished with construction. About a week later, a construction company named Ortiz started ripping up the major street that we use to get to our apartment complex. And, every so often, I come home, unable to get to my apartment, because all of the small side streets used to get there are blocked off by construction. At this point in my day, it is hard to see inside my car, because the cloud of profanities fogs up the window.

I guarantee you guys, in about six months when Molly and I move to a new place, there will be construction where we live. I don't dare mention where we are thinking about relocating. I don't want to give Ortiz a head start.

March 19, 2009

So last night we decided to add the word "still" to the sign...

And it worked!

Within an hour they came over to get their dvd! They said they had noticed it "like a week ago" but just wanted to keep it up because it was so funny. So they came up and watched the dvd and were pretty embarrassed and it was all pretty awkward and then they left. I'm probably missing some details but Sarah will fill you guys in.

But about an hour after that our downstairs neighbor came up and said, "I think you guys have my movie." The sign started to reach other neighbors. We reassured her that it was not in fact a found movie that we made a lost poster for but one we had made but were too lazy to walk it over to our neighbors. Let me tell you, it was pretty hillarious. We took the sign down within minutes.

Ok guys, keep making good decisions,

PS I'm done with finals! I can turn my brain off for a week!

March 18, 2009

This is what we wear every Tuesday and Wednesday night.

... at the appropriate time of course.

I might have tried to feed it sunflower seeds.

In this awful picture you can see the bird in the fan in our kitchen. Everytime I went to take a picture, the bird would fly away, hence the awful image. Anyway, it's the blob under the fan part in the bottom two little sections and a little bit in the third.

It did not eat the sunflower seeds. It should be an easy fix though... turn on the fan and blow out all the seeds. Done.

Also our neighbors haven't noticed the sign we made them. They have opened and closed their window blinds several times and in that process have not noticed a huge sign in our window.

Well keep making good decisions,

March 17, 2009

Fire Alarm?

First off, I am sooo jazzed that we have 2 followers now, thanks to Rachie and my sis Steph! Hooray!

Also, in case you didn't notice, we changed the name of our blog. We think this will be more appropriate.

Today I experienced my first college fire drill. About a half-hour into my French class this morning, the fire alarm in the Adams Humanities building, if you will, went off and all of us had to grab our stuff and scamper out of the classroom. I have to say I felt a tiny twinge of anxiety for a moment thinking of certain catastrophic events. However, in the swarm of people walking out of the building, many of my fellow French class students tried to sneak off as my professor frantically yelled that we would continue class somewhere else. Luckily (for my professor) we found a short set of stairs where we sat like Socrates teaching his pupils, I wish we were wearing chitons and wreaths around our heads. Although, before continuing with class, we managed to stumble upon a fraternity that was giving away free green, chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice in lieu of St. Patty's Day.

I can't remember what we talked about today, but boy, were those free pancakes delicious! P.S. I am awaiting my professor's reaction to my french video I made. And we also have a bird family living with us. We'll keep you updated.

Keep making good decisions,


March 16, 2009

We did not make a sign for our non-threatening neighbors.

Oh wait, yes we did. They were in a movie I made last quarter and have been begging for the dvd ever since. I finally made a dvd of it and we are going to wait and see how long it takes for them to notice. I'm pretty excited about it. And it does not at all look like some sort of ransom kidnapping incident.

Keep making good decisions.

Neighbor Watch 2009: 1 update

So, shortly after cluing you in on what's happening with the neighbor, I had my first encounter with him. Yes, Molly has said 'hey' to him on the stairs, but my only encounter with him, prior to today, was catching a glimpse of his backside through the peephole as he entered his apartment. We are a bit sad, I know. Continuing on, I was surfing the web on our "balcony" when our neighbor hopped out of an SUV, said his goodbyes to the driver and trekked up the stairs. We then awkwardly acknowledged each other's presences. I too can now ID him if necessary.

Everyone keep making good decisions


Neighbor Watch 2009: 1

Our neighbor scares us. The first few months we lived here, we thought that no one lived in that apartment until we saw a bike in the window... of an upstairs apartment. Then, one day we heard him walk up the stairs and open and close his door. A few weeks ago a lady showed up and was knocking continuously for minutes to no answer. She stopped and stuck a packet of papers in his door and left. The only words on the front page of the paper large enough for us to read said, "legal notice." Maybe thirty minutes later, we heard his door open and close and the papers were gone. He had been in the apartment the whole time.

This has caused us to initiate "Neighbor Watch 2009." We will keep you updated on new findings. For instance, today there was a letter in his door.

A few days ago, I was walking up the stairs as he was leaving and we exchanged "hey how's it goings," so now I have seen his face clearly and can identify him if I needed to... like if he was standing up against a wall with other guys (against a marker indicating height), I could pick out which one our neighbor is.

We'll let you know how it goes. Keep making good decisions.

Molly and Sarah

Welcome friends!

Want the best news? You want it cheaper? You want it for free? You've come to the right spot. What kind of news, you ask, well, anything really. Molly and I, Sarah, have decided to bring you news of all kinds. I'm sure much of it will be what's happening in San Diego, as that is where we are based. I'm sad to say, however, that Ron Burgundy is not our neighbor.

This is us on our "balcony" sitting on our kitchen chairs, starting our blog.
We will keep you updated. Keep making good decisions,
Molly and Sarah